Friday, May 21, 2010

Stitch Me a Yummy One

Creativity abounds the world over and with the Internet, we are now able to see the plethora of things talented people have come up with. It is mind-boggling. There are a series of studios in England called The Make Lounge where women can meet up for fantastic workshops - even events. It looks really cool. Wish we had something like this here in the States!

Lavender Bakery made these cupcake cuties for a cross stitch event at The Make Lounge and they struck my fancy. Cupcakes sure are a thing right now, aren't they? Funny how something catches someone's eye and grows into into a phenomenon. Remember popcorn stores? All those flavors? And bread stores - not just bakeries which have been around for eons, but bread stores. So specific. I think they are still doing well but there are none around me so I am not sure. I go to the bakery.

The absolute best is Mike's Pastry in Boston's North End. Yum. A trip into the city usually means a stop at Mike's for bread, a lobster claw to share and a few cannolis. Must plan a trip there soon.

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